Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Fun at Grandma's

Gee, the other day at Grandma's we really started off well.
By 8:30 we had gone through and taken out the paper garbage in Grandma's computer room; while she was cleaning that up we unrolled the toilet paper roll, which was pretty full, all over the bathroom; we put a magazine into the bowl filled with water to see what it would do; we got into some cough drops and threw them all over the room and when she was cleaning up all that we played with the computer and now it won't work.
tee hee. Pretty good for little girls. We figure that if we are that good at our young age can you imagine what we can get into when we are older? Boy. Life is soooo cool!!!!!
Grandma's Little Angels

No comments:

I can ride this horse. Just you see.

I can ride this horse.  Just you see.

I am helping Grandma!!

I am helping Grandma!!

What the$%^?????

What the$%^?????

I'm a little angel

I'm a little angel

Waiting for the show.

Waiting for the show.

Mia at Gracie's Pre-school

Mia at Gracie's Pre-school

Alyssa at Gracie's Pre-school

Alyssa at Gracie's Pre-school

Going to sign up for Pre-school.

Going to sign up for Pre-school.

Trying to join the school children.

Trying to join the school children.

Yummy Candy

Yummy Candy

Go Faster

Go Faster
Here we are with our trusty steeds.

Shall we wake her? OK? OK?

Shall we wake her? OK?  OK?

Grandma is our best friend

She loves us and takes wonderful care of us.


I didn't do it!


I am mad at you mommy.

Alyssa in the Drivers Seat

Alyssa in the Drivers Seat
Mia never wants to push Alyssa on the bike.

Mia's Word List

  • thank you
  • signs for please
  • Signs for more
  • signs for Milk
  • baby
  • mama
  • dada

Alyssa's Word List

  • thank you
  • sign for more
  • signs for please
  • Signs for milk
  • baby
  • dada
  • mama